Automation Control Systems and Electrical System Designs
Our objective is to be a key component in our customers’ automated control solutions. CSI is a Control Systems Integrator with 20 years of success as both an American and a Canadian company; our automation control systems and electrical system designs reach across industries and worldwide.
Electrical Control System Design for Automation
The electrical controls systems engineering firm CSI provides comprehensive and accurate designs that are well-documented with AutoCAD or Eplan. These designs come ready for fabrication into electrical control panels or automation control systems.
SCADA/Human Machine Interfacing
CSI is a leader in developing and designing intuitive operator interfaces for control of automation systems, data collection, traceability, archiving, recipe management or plant-wide notification systems.
Robot Integration
Does your robot need programming or integration into your system? Does your robot’s motion need optimization for cycle time? Control Systems International Engineering Inc. (CSI) programs, optimizes, and improves your robot’s performance.
PLC Algorithm Development and System Architecture
CSI’s engineers, technologists and technicians are among North America’s best code developers for automated machinery. Their experienced team has implemented electrical system designs, which have, as a component, utilized PLCs to their full potential.
Their familiarity and knowledge of Siemens Servo drives was essential in making our broaching machine conversion from hydraulics a total success. Now we have a new innovative industry leading broaching system design!
We went through a bunch of programmers on this job. But Con-Syst-Int just got it done
It is my understanding, as it has been very apparent to me, that Con-Syst-Int Group Inc. places a great emphasis on continually updating their skills to become experts at product applications. They take a great interest in learning about product line additions as well as new and changing technologies.