Customer Challenges:
The end user facility refines recycled motor oil into over 50 different usable petrol chemical products; gasoline, diesel, motor oil etc….
The refinery site is located within a couple kilometers of a residential community, the refinement process creates a strong tar and sulfur like odor which is problematic for the residential neighbors.
In essence they had a smelly situation and they needed an odor abatement system for their process.
This odor abatement system required a new controls system design to latest standards and specifications. The client had an older previous machine design that served as reference for a new design, however the reference system was using an older model Rockwell PLC, and the new system design required as per end user client specification; a Siemens PLC to integrate with their in-house monitoring systems. The client required that this new machine function like there older machine, however additional sensors and functions would be added as well.
Why CSI:
Control Systems International (CSI) was chosen because we have experience with both Rockwell and Siemens controls systems. CSI also has a track record of integrating both systems to control large scale machines and automation.
CSI designed and built the control panel in house using the latest models of Siemens PLC and controls. CSI also translated the software from Rockwell to Siemens and added in the additional features as per the customer’s requests and specifications.
Due to large scale nature of this automation equipment, the implementation work was done on site at the refinery. CSI insured correct implantation and calibration of provided sensors with facilities equipment.
Customer Profile:
The client is a long time environmental service provider, offering a variety of environmental solutions for over thirty years.
CSI worked in a highly regulated and safety aware refinery environment implementing numerous analog sensors as part of the successful odor abatement system.
CSI is interested in more opportunities to solve process problems that would require analog instrumentation, working in a refinery environment or as part of a team implementing odor abatement systems.